Nairobi Arusha Shuttle bus services are between Kenya to Tanzania by road
Daily shuttle bus are daily 8am and 2pm
Kenya to Tanzania transport by road with daily shuttle buses
Nairobi Arusha 8am
Nairobi Arusha 2pm
Nairobi Moshi 8am
Tanzania to Nairobi shuttle bus transport
Moshi Nairobi 6am
Arusha Nairobi 8am
Arusha Nairobi 2pm
How to buy Nairobi Arusha Shuttle bus ticket Online
1.Buy here and get Ticket www.nairobiarushashuttle.com
2.Book Instantly whatsapp +254710189751
Departure Points from Nairobi
Parkside hotel Monrovia street
Nairobi JKIA pauls caffe
Pick up along Mombasa road
Departure Points in Arusha and Moshi
Bella Luna Arusha
Ywca Moshi
Travel requirements to travel Kenya to Tanzania to Kenya
Valid travel document
Yellow fever certificate
Covid free certificate
Bus Ticket
Visa to Kenya you need to apply online
Visa to Tanzania Can get at the Namanga Border